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Using Basic Knowledge Manager Objects

The basic Knowledge Manager objects are categories, standard responses, and screening rules. The table "Task Flow for Basic Knowledge Manager Objects" presents an overall task flow for creating and managing these objects, and for importing and exporting them.

Task Flow for Basic Knowledge Manager Objects


Related Procedures and Actions

    1. Create a category tree.

Creating a category tree.

    2. Create and manage standard responses.

To create and manage standard responses, open the Standard Response Editor and use the General tab.

  1. Filling out the HTML part tab to create an HTML version of the standard response.
  2. Filling out the Additional tab to specify possible uses and other attributes of the standard response.
  3. The Attachments Tab to add and manage attachments.
  4. The History Tab for version control:
  5. Searching for a standard response
  6. Standard Responses for use with SMS Gateways
    3. Create field codes and use them in standard responses.

Creating Field Codes.

  1. Inserting field codes into a standard response.
  2. Examples of the use of field codes.
    4. Create and manage screening rules.

Creating and managing a Screening Rule

  1. Testing screening rules on the UCS database and Testing screening rules on specially-created text.
  2. Finding a Screening Rule.
    5. Import and export Knowledge Manager objects.
  1. Exporting Knowledge Manager objects.
  2. Importing Knowledge Manager objects.
This page was last edited on December 17, 2013, at 18:53.
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