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The core domain objects supported by the Event Management Service manage preferences associated with contacts for proactive customer communication. An Event is an occurrence of which a consumer may wish to be notified by subscription, such as a fraud alert, a flight delay, or an upcoming appointment. A Subscription is an association between one or more consumer contact points and an event. For example, a consumer may wish to be notified via a text to their wireless number whenever their flight schedule changes. A subscription expresses a consumer's desire to be communicated with through specific contact points regarding a specific event. A subscription may also include other attributes, such as a start date and end date, or time range in which notifications may be made.


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 1.4
externalId string Name of this Event (External Identifier) 1.4
owner Org (K) Abbreviated owning entity (Account) 1.4
description string Description of Event 1.4
requiredOptInLevel optInLevels Indicates level of opt-in required for this Event 1.4
supportedChannels channelType[] Which Channels are supported to notify this Event 1.4
active Boolean Is this Event active (still subscribable)? 1.4
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes of an Event 1.4
createdDate dateTime Entity created date – time of capture 1.4
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 1.4
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 1.4
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier 1.4


Attribute Type Description Since
startDate dateTime Date and time Event is scheduled to start 1.4
endDate dateTime Date and time Event is scheduled to end 1.4
notificationFrequency Integer Indicates the maximum number of notifications per month 1.4
optPendingExpireAfterDays Integer Number of days before auto-expiring a non-completed double opt-in attempt (-1 = never) 1.4


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 1.4
event Event (D) To which Event this Subscription belongs to 1.4
channel ChannelType Current channel type for this agent 1.4
subscriptionState subscriptionStates State for this Subscription 1.4
subscriptionStateDate dateTime Date the corresponding subscription state took effect 1.4
Attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes of an Event 1.4
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 1.4
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 1.4
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
source string Originating source for the subscription record 1.4
sourceDetail1 string Subscription source detail (part 1) 1.4
sourceDetail2 string Subscription source detail (part 2) 1.4
validationCode string Validation code used during the double opt-in process 1.4
prevSubscriptionState subscriptionStates Previous state for this subscription if applicable 1.4
prevSubscriptionStateDate dateTime Date when the previous subscription state took effect 1.4
prevOptInDate dateTime Previous date this subscription had a subscriptionState of Opted-in 1.4
This page was last edited on September 6, 2016, at 18:25.
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