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Contact center

The Contact Management Service is used to manage an interaction between a customer and a Contact Center. The core domain object is the AgentGroup which represents a set of representatives at a Contact Center. Each AgentGroup has an associated set of agents and a schedule represented as an array of ScheduleEntry objects. In the simplest form if a group of agents named "Power48" (1-800-NUCLEAR) is open between 8:00am and 5:00pm EST with 10 agents available then this would be represented as a single AgentGroup (externalId="Power48") with a single ScheduleEntry (startTime="08:00", endTime="17:00", TimeZone="America/NewYork", allocatedCount=10, phoneNumber="+1 800 682 5327").


Field Type Description Since
startTime Time Start Time of this interval 7.6.0
endTime Time End Time of this interval 7.6.0
open24 Boolean If true then startTime and endTime are ignored 7.6.0
timeZone string Time Zone of this entry 7.6.0
phoneNumber string Current phone number (E.123). Optional. 7.6.0
allocatedCount Integer Initial agent count for this interval 7.6.0
day dayOfWeek Which day of the week this entry relates to 8.7.0


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 7.6.0
externalId string External (user-defined) identity 7.6.0
parent Org (K) Abbreviated parent entity 7.6.0
currentSchedule ScheduleEntry[] Today's schedule for this group (used for Standard or Enhanced Group) 7.6.0
rollingSchedule ScheduleEntry[] Rolling schedule for this group today (used for Standard or Enhanced Group) 7.6.0
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes of an AgentGroup 7.6.0
configuration Attribute[] Configuration information related to the AgentGroup 7.9.0
tags string[] Searchable tags – i.e. used by listAgentGroups (match externalId) 10.5.6
createdDate dateTime Entity created date U
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date U
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
agentGroupType agentGroupType The type of this AgentGroup, e.g. Standard, Remote 7.6.0
remoteEnabled Boolean Whether or not this is a CTI-enabled agent group 9.0
transferTarget Boolean Can Agents transfer calls to this AgentGroup 9.0
timeZone string Time Zone of this group 8.7.0
phoneNumber string Current phone number (E.123). Optional – based on type 8.7.0
hangupMode hangupMode Terminate agent call post interaction (type: Enhanced) 8.6.0
maxAfterContactWork shortDuration Max. # milliseconds in ACW state (-1 = unlimited) 8.6.0
extensionDelay shortDuration Pause in milliseconds prior to dialing agent extension 8.6.0
intensity Integer Intensity of contact outreach (-100 to 100, 0 is neutral) 7.6.0
agentRecordingSuspendAllowed Boolean Is the Agent allowed to pause/resume recording? 8.10
agentRecordingDeleteAllowed Boolean Is the Agent allowed to delete recording? 8.10
supervisorRecordingDeleteAllowed Boolean Is the Supervisor allowed to delete recording? 8.10
enableRemotePacing Boolean Controls use of remote pacing info (type: Remote only) 7.9.0
enableRemoteRouting Boolean Controls use of remote routing (type: Remote only) 7.9.0
agentRecordingEnabled Boolean Is recording enabled for this group 8.10
agentRecordingPercentage Integer Percentage of agent interactions to start recording (0 – 100) 8.10
agentRecordingMinDuration shortDuration If recording less than this duration then do not keep 8.10
expireAfterHoursRecording Integer Hours before autoexpiring (-1 = never). 8.10
agentLoginRequired Boolean Does the Agent use the voice portal? 9.0
internalTransferEnabled Boolean Is Internal Transfer enabled? 9.0
externalTransferEnabled Boolean Is External Transfer enabled? 9.0
manualExternalTransferEnabled Boolean Is manual external transfer enabled? 9.0
previewSkipEnabled Boolean Whether or not Agents are allowed to skip preview calls 9.1
previewTimerDuration shortDuration Number of milliseconds for timed preview before auto-launching call 9.1
bypassConsult Boolean Should we bypass the Consult state as we conference the call? 9.1
freeformNumberEntryAllowed Boolean Is free-form entry of devices allowed? 10.1
manualDialEnabled Boolean Is Manual Dialing enabled? 10.1
followUpEnabled Boolean Is call Follow-Up enabled? 10.1
followUpMaxHours Integer Maximum number of hours into the future that a follow-up can be scheduled 10.X
scheduledFollowUpEnabled Boolean Is Scheduled Followup enabled? 10.6
scheduledFollowUpMaxHours Integer Maximum number of hours into the future that a followup can be scheduled 10.6
fourWayConferenceEnabled Boolean Can 4th party be added to the conference? 10.5.25
recordDuringConference Boolean Should call be recorded during conference between contact, source agent and target agent? 10.5.29
Tags String Comma separated values of tags associated with this agent group. 11.1
targetSpeedOfAnswer Integer Target Speed of answer. 11.13
skipClientIdInputForAgentManaulCall Boolean Bypass client id lookup in AVP. 12.3
subCampaignAutoCreated Boolean filter attribute to decide if we want to show autoCreated subcampaign associated to this agentGroup 13.7


Field Type Description Since
agentGroup AgentGroup (D) Agent group 7.3.3
subCampaignState SubCampaignState[] (K) SubCampaignStates group is currently working on 7.6.0
issue Issue Issue associates with current AgentGroup (nullable) 7.6.0
state agentGroupStates State of the Agent Group e.g. open, closed. 7.6.0
projectedAgentUse Double Anticipated agent use in next minute U
attributes Attributes[] Enumerated attributes of the contact state 7.6.0
updatedDate dateTime Last modified date U


Attribute Type Description Since
afterContactWorkCount Integer Count of Agents in state AfterContactWork 7.6.0
breakCount Integer Count of Agents currently on Break 7.6.0
activeCount Integer Count of Agents currently Busy 7.6.0
availableCount Integer Count of Agents currently Available 7.6.0
allocatedCount Integer Count of Agents allocated to this AgentGroup 7.6.0
previewCount Integer Count of Agents currently in a NoWork or Launching state (Portal Only) 10.5.6
transferCount Integer Count of Agents currently in the process of transferring (TransferIn, TransferOut, Consult) (Portal Only) 10.5.6
noWorkCount Integer Count of Agents currently in a NoWork state (Portal Only) 10.5.6
talkCount Integer Count of Agents currently in a Talking state (Portal Only) 10.5.6
averageHoldTimeLast15 shortDuration Average client hold time – last 15 minutes (ms) 7.6.0
averageTalkTimeLast15 shortDuration Average talk time (ms) 7.6.0
averagePostTalkTimeLast15 shortDuration Average wrap time (ms) 7.6.0
handledLast15 Integer Contacts handled in the last 15 mins 7.6.0
holdQueueCount Integer Total on hold (sum of inbound + outbound) 7.7.0
holdQueueInboundCount Integer On hold with source Inbound 10.3.0
holdQueueOutboundCount Integer On hold with source Outbound 10.3.0
transferredHoldQueueCount Integer Number of clients currently transferred into the hold queue 9.0
currentStartTime time Start Time of this interval 7.9.X
currentEndTime time End Time of this interval 7.9.X
averageBreakTimeLast15 Integer Average BREAK TIME in last 15 mins 10.5.8
averageNoWorkTimeLast15 Integer Average NOWORK TIME in last 15 mins 10.5.8
averageAvailableTimeLast15 Integer Average AvAILABLE TIME in last 15 mins 10.5.8
averagePreviewTimeLast15 Integer Average PREVIEW TIME in last 15 mins 10.5.8
averageTransferTimeLast15 Integer Average TRANSFER TIME in last 15 mins 10.5.8
avgInboundHoldTimeLast15 Integer Average hold duration of Inbound hold in last 15 mins 11.1.0
avgOutboundHoldTimeLast15 Integer Average hold duration of Outbound hold in last 15 mins 11.1.0
avgTransferHoldTimeLast15 Integer Average hold duration of Transfer hold in last 15 mins 11.1.0
timeZone Time Zone of this AgentGroup 7.8.0
avgClicksLast15 Integer Average clicks in last 15 minutes for agent group 11.6.0
inboundLongestHoldInQueueCurrent Integer inbound Longest Hold In Queue Current. 11.13
inboundLongestHoldInQueueLast15Mins Integer inbound Longest Hold In Queue Last 15 Mins. 11.13
averageSpeedOfAnswerCurrent Integer Average Speed Of Answer Current. 11.13
averageSpeedOfAnswerLast15Mins Integer Average Speed Of Answer Last 15 Mins. 11.13
serviceLevel Integer service Level. 11.13
longestCallInQueue Integer longest Call In Queue 11.13
connectingContactsCount Integer Calls being dialed 11.6
abandonRate Number Abandon rate for Dailer passes in % 12.7
abandonRateLast15 Number Abandon rate in last 15 mins for Dailer passes in % 12.7
inboundActiveCount Integer Number of agents on inbound calls today 12.7
outboundActiveCount Integer Number of agents on outbound calls today 12.7


Field Type Description Since
Agent User (D) Agent that state refers to 7.3.3
currentPhoneNumber string Current phone number (E.123) 7.3.3
conferenceURI string URI of the associated conference 7.9.X
currentContactState ContactState (D) Contact on line 7.3.3
currentSubCampaign SubCampaign (K) SubCampaign associated with Pass 7.3.3
currentPass Pass (K) Pass agent is working on 7.9.X
currentScheduleGroup ScheduleGroup (D) Schedule group in context of the current contact 7.3.3
currentCampaignName string Campaign name agent is working on 7.3.3
currentSubCampaignName string SubCampaign name agent is working on 7.3.3
channel channelType Current channel type for this agent 11.7.0
currentRecordingState RecordingState (D) RecordingState for the current session (nullable) 8.10
workState agentWorkStates State of agent, e.g. Available, Busy, ACW, etc 7.3.3
requestedWorkState agentWorkStates Work State requested 7.3.3
pendingWorkState agentWorkStates Pending state of agent - null if no pending state 7.3.3
lineState string Phone line state of the agent 7.3.3
onlineState string Online state of the agent: logged-in, logged out, etc 7.3.3
localTime dateTime Current Date/Time in agent's TimeZone 7.3.3
workStateSince dateTime Date/Time of last work state transition 7.3.3
lineStateSince dateTime Date/Time of last line state transition 7.3.3
onlineStateSince dateTime Date/Time of last online state transition 7.3.3
contactInformation MetaData[] Agent collected contact information 8.5.0
registrationPIN Integer PIN required for registration 8.10
requestedAction requestedAction Request an action (e.g. RefreshPIN) 8.10
actionTarget BaseEntity Target of the requested action 10.3.0
currentTransferState TransferState (D) State of a pending Transfer 9.0
holdQueueCount Integer Number of clients currently on hold for this agent 9.0
stationID Integer Agent Station Identifier (unique per session) U
passiveParticipants AgentState[](S) List of participants currently monitoring session 10.3.0
activeParticipant AgentState(S) Participant who is coaching/barging (nullable) 10.3.0
attributes Attributes[] Enumerated attributes of the Agent state 9.2.9
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date U
clicksLast15minutes Integer Number of clicks by clicker agent in last 15 minutes 11.6
connectingContactsCount Integer Number of contacts being dialed under subs targeting an agent group. This stats is populated only for passes using linesPerAgent pacing model as this pacing model uses this stats implicitly. 11.6
application String Agent's application type (defined in ApplicationTypes enumeration). Channel on AgentState is deprecated in 11.7. 11.7


Attribute Type Description Since
extendedAgentStateURL string URL for additional information 9.2.9


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier U
externalId string External (user-defined) identity U
owner Org (K) Abbreviated owning entity U
description string Description of the Skill U
createdDate dateTime Entity created date U
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date U
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
source User (D) Transfer source 9.0
target Entity Transfer target, could be User, AgentGroup, or Device 9.0
type transferType Type of transfer 9.0
result transferResult Result of the transfer 9.0
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 9.0


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 7.6.0
externalId string External (user-defined) identity 7.6.0
Parent AgentGroup (K) Abbreviated parent entity 7.6.0
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes of a ScheduleGroup 7.6.0
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.6.0
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.6.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
timeZone string Time Zone of ScheduleGroup 7.6.0


Field Type Description Since
contact Contact (D) Full contact object 7.3.3
currentDevice Device (D) Device used to contact the person (outbound) or device the person originated from (inbound) 7.3.3
contactAttempt ContactAttempt (K) ContactAttempt associated with this ContactState 7.9.X
Attributes Attributes[] Enumerated attributes of the contact state 7.3.3
localTime dateTime Current Date/Time in contact's TimeZone 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Last modified date U


Attribute Type Description Since
holdTime shortDuration Hold time duration 7.3.3
scriptState string Indication of context that caused Agent interaction 7.3.3
detectionStatus detectionStatus Initial determination of call status 7.5.0
contactMode contactModes Mode of interaction 7.5.0
interactionTime shortDuration Time since first contact (since callState == Connected) 7.5.0
callState callStates Call state of the contact 7.5.0
directConnectState directConnectStates State of the last Direct Connect (if it exists) 8.5.0
requestedScriptStateTransition string Requested transition out of current scriptState 9.1
This page was last edited on September 6, 2016, at 18:25.
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