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Displaying Weekly or Monthly Values

Go to the Display Options area under the button bar, and click either the Monthly or Weekly radio button to display the monthly or weekly data grid. Depending on the start and end date selected for the scenario, the beginning and ending week/month might be partial weeks or months. When copying data into an entire row in the scenario, always check the entries for the last week of the scenario (particularly for call volume) to ensure that excessive call volume has not been entered into the partial week.

If the beginning date of the scenario is not the first day of the month in the monthly view, the starting month might appear in the data grid as both history and scenario.

For weeks that cross the beginning or end of a month, entries made in the monthly view will be allocated to the columns of each week in the weekly view proportionally. Entries made during the weekly view will be allocated to the columns of the monthly view proportionately for months that cross the beginning or end of a week. To ensure entries made in one view are allocating to the cells in the "alternate view" in the manner in which you intend, review entries made in the monthly view in the corresponding weekly view, and review entries made in the weekly view in the corresponding monthly view.

What are optional metrics?

Optional Metrics is a module that can be enabled only within the Genesys Decisions administration interface. It allows up to 10 additional input metrics to display in the Scenario Viewer main grid. A system administrator can turn the module on, and then select the optional metrics that will display in your user interface. For example, you might see metrics related to Customer Experience in your Scenario Viewer; these are optional metrics. For additional information, see Optional Metrics in the Genesys Decisions Administration document.

This page was last edited on August 14, 2018, at 05:13.
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