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Context Services Common Blocks

Starting with 8.1.440.18, Composer supports Context Services 8.5, which adds support for Genesys Mobile Services. For more information, see Context Services 8.5 Support.

Customer Profile Management Blocks

  • Create Customer Block to create a callflow/workflow that includes the capability to create a customer profile through Context Services.
  • Identify Customer Block to identify a customer in the database based on search criteria, which can be customer profile core data or customer profile extension data. If the customer is found, then Context Services can provide data that can be used to personalize offer or to resume/modify a service in process.
  • Query Customer Block to look up a customer's core profile and profile extension attributes. Use the CustomerID to specify which customer you want to return data for. Composer stores the returned results in an application variable.
  • Update Customer Block to update the customer profile in the database used for Context Services. You can update customer profile core data or customer profile extension data.

Service Management Blocks

If using Context Services 8.5, the database for service/state information is the Genesys Mobile Services database. If using Context Services 8.1, the database for service/state information is the Universal Contact Server database. For more information, see General Guidelines for Context Services Preferences.


  • Associate Service Block to associate an anonymous service record with a customer whose profile exists in the database used for Context Services.
  • Complete Service Block to mark an active service as completed. You can also use this block to pass additional state-related data to the database. For example, when completing a service state, such as "Callback pending," the disposition could be "unsuccessful - no answer."
  • Complete State Block to mark the completion of a specified state in the context of a service in the database used for Context Services.
  • Complete Task Block to mark the application as completing a specified task within a service/state.
  • Enter State Block to mark the entry of the application into a specified state in the context of a service.
  • Query Services Block to query the database for a list of services associated with a particular Customer ID or, in case of unassociated services, the Contact Key. Composer stores the result in an application variable. You can query for active services, completed services, both active and completed services.
  • Query States Block to query the database used for Context Services for active and completed states data for a specified service. You can also query for other types of service states such as user-defined service states.
  • Query Tasks Block to query the database used for Context Services for active and completed tasks within a state for a specified service.
  • Start Service Block to communicate the creation or start of a service in the database. The service may or may not be immediately associated with a customer. For example, an application, such as a routing workflow, may not know the customer's identity when the service is started so the service may be started anonymously. Once the customer is known and identified, the workflow may associate the anonymous service with the customer.
  • Start Task Block to mark the application as entering a specified task within a service/state.

Also see:

This page was last edited on October 16, 2017, at 18:57.
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