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Configuration Options Reference

The configuration options described below only apply to the Context Services applications which do not include Customer Profile capabilities. If your application uses Customer Profile capabilities provided by UCS, refer to the 8.1.3 configuration options.

  • For backward compatibility issues, refer to the migration page.
  • For GMS configuration, refer to the GMS options reference page, where you will also find the configuration options described below that only apply to the Context Services applications.

[cview] Section


Section: cview
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, enables custom IDs; this option is for migration purpose only and allows Context Services to replicate the UCS service identifier into Context Services storage. If false, Context Services generate new identifiers in response of "start" events.


Section: cview
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: long
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time in seconds to wait to auto-complete the service after its last update if auto-complete-enabled = true. This option value is used if it is not explicitly provided in the Start request by setting the auto_complete_after parameter of the Service Start Event. If you do not provide a value for auto_complete_after in the configuration or in the Start request, then only an explicit API call to complete the service will be able to terminate the service.


Section: cview
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Related Feature: auto-complete

If true, enables the auto-complete feature. If a service or its states or its tasks are not updated within the period specified by the option auto-complete-after, the service (including states and tasks) is terminated.


Section: cview
Default Value: ""
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Comma-separated list of organization IDs (the Contact Center ID concatenated with the Group ID separated by a period) for which the auto-completion is enabled.


Section: cview
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, allows additional checks of consistency during production. For example, if your application creates a State or a Task, the server checks that the service exists before it creates the inner object; if not, your application receives a Service Not Found Exception.

This data validation feature is a costly process that requires additional storage read access.


Section: cview
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables (true) or disables (false) the Context Services feature. If set to FALSE, the other options are ignored.


Section: cview
Default Value: 5y
Valid Values: <integer><letter>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Defines expiration time for conversation (service, states, tasks) after creation or last API update. The expiration time is formatted as follows: <integer><letter> where:

  • <integer> specifies the time period
  • <letter> is one of the following period type:
    • s: seconds
    • m: minutes
    • h: hours
    • d: days
    • w: weeks (7 days)
    • M: months (30 days)
    • y: years (365 days)


Section: cview
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables (true) or disables (false) Role-Based Access Control.

[elasticsearch] Section


Section: elasticsearch
Default Value: '"*"
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Comma-separated list of the service types allowed to publish conversations to the elastic server. The service types are String or DBIDs matching the Business Attributes mapping; for example: Identification,Special Offers.


Section: elasticsearch
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Set to true to push conversations to elastic search when services are completed.


Section: elasticsearch
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Elastic Search server URL; for instance: http://gax1dev:1664.


Section: elasticsearch
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect:

Pattern to append to the server URL; for instance: ${service.type}-${date.year}.${date.month}.${date.day}/service/${service.id}. The possible pattern variables are:

  • date.year
  • date.month
  • date.day
  • service.type
  • service.id

[pulse] Section


Section: pulse
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, enables the Pulse feature in Context Services.


Section: pulse
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of a user who has pulse authorizations.


Section: pulse
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Password of the user who has pulse authorizations.


Section: pulse
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

A list of one or more URLs separated by semicolons which point to Pulse applications for the Value; for instance: http://gax1dev:8283/gax;http://gax2dev:8283/gax.


Section: pulse
Default Value: 2
Valid Values: 1 or 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.103

Enables version 2 of Pulse Dashboards starting in 8.5.103.

Starting in 8.5.110, 2 is the default value for this option.

[business-attributes] Section

This section defines the mapping between Context Services and the Business Attributes configured in the Genesys Configuration Server. The Business Attribute values are defined in the Tenant.

If your application is multi-tenant, you should define a business-attributes.<tenantId> section per tenant.


Section: business-attributes
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Associates a Business Attribute key with the name of the Business Attribute configured in the proper tenant.

  • Possible resource name values are:
    • Service
    • State
    • Task
  • Possible field name values to map are:
    • type (for service type)
    • disposition
    • application_type
    • resource_type
    • media_type
  • Such as, for instance: Service.service_type, Task.disposition, State.media_type.
  • If there is no configuration for a given field, Context Services automatically allows any valid integer value for this field. In this case, your application is responsible for the value's validity.
  • A Business Attribute can be mapped to several resource fields. For instance, the Service.media_type and Task.media_type string can both point to the "MediaType" Business Attributes.


Section: business-attributes
Default Value: false
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Set to true to return the Names of Business Attribute Values instead of DB IDs in the responses for GET operations; false (default) to return the DB IDs of Business Attribute Values in the responses for GET operations.

This page was last edited on October 2, 2018, at 09:12.
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