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Voice Platform Media Control Platform Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Mac Solaris Windows
12/16/21 General X X

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Support for Windows Server 2019 operating system (Standard edition). See the Genesys Voice Platform page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems. (GVP-43851)
  • Media Control Platform (MCP) now supports Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) in SIPS connections(TLS) and in HTTPS connections(TLS). In addition to the existing parameters, a new option, crlenabled=true, is introduced in MCP to support CRL.
    • crlenabled=true is mandatory for CRL validation. Enabling this parameter only validates the CRL on the client connection (for Server Certificate). To validate the CRL on the server connection (for Client Certificate), the verifypeer option should be enabled along with this parameter.
    • crlpaths=[CRL cert filenames(in PEM format) with absolute file path]. This option is mandatory for CRL validation. To specify more than one CRL file, use a semi-colon as a separator.
    The changing of CRL files does not happen dynamically. This needs a component restart to read the new content.
    New parameters for HTTPS under the fm section:
    • ssl_crl_check_enabled = 1 This option is to specify whether or not to enable CRL validation. When this option is set, ssl_verify_peer should be set along with ssl_crl_file_path.
    • ssl_crl_file_path = The file name holding one or more certificates of CRL(in PEM format).
    [sip]transport.2 = transport2 tls:any:5061 cert=$InstallationRoot$/config/MCP-Server-Cert.pem key=$InstallationRoot$/config/MCP-Server-Key.pem crlenabled=true crlpaths=$InstallationRoot$/config/Revoked-Certs-1.pem;$InstallationRoot$/config/Revoked-Certs-2.pem
    [fm].ssl_crl_check_enabled = 1
    [fm].ssl_crl_file_path = C:
    Program Files\\GCTI\\gvp
    VP Media Control Platform 9.0\\MCP\\config

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

MCP can now handle SIP re-INVITE glare properly for third-party recording on reliable transports (TCP/TLS).  (GVP-44252)

MCP can now filter out duplicate RTP packets when the option mpc.rtp.filteroutduplicate is enabled. (GVP-44249)

MCP now supports Uniform Resource Name (URN) references for grammars. (GVP-44042)

MCP no longer has Google Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) send/receive message limit. Previously, the gRPC library enforced the default limit size of 4 MB, which resulted in the Received message larger than max error. (GVP-43082)

MCP has reduced the number of file write operations of the play cache to improve performance. (GVP-36319)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on December 16, 2021, at 14:32.
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