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This topic describes part of the functionality of Genesys Content Analyzer.

In cross-validation, Training Server follows these steps:

1. It builds one model using all of the data.

2. It divides the data into x partitions, where x = 3, 5, or 10.

3. It builds a number of partial models: as many as there are partitions, each one using a different combination of x -1 partitions.

      For example, if the data is divided into the three partitions A, B, and C, Training Server builds model X using partitions A and B, model Y using partitions A and C, and model Z using partitions B and C.

4. It tests each of these partial models against the partition that it omitted when it was built.

      In the example, it tests model X against partition C, model Y against partition B, and model Z against partition A.

5. It aggregates the results of all these tests and presents them as the rating of the entire model.

These ideas underlie the concept of cross-validation:

  • The best way to test a model is to apply it to data that was not used in building the model.
  • A model built using most of the data is usefully similar to the model built using all of the data, so the results of testing (for example) all possible 90-percent models are a good indication of the quality of the 100-percent model.

Because cross-validation adds to the time required to build a model, you may not want to select cross-validation for very large training objects or for objects for which you selected training quality level 6.

This page was last edited on December 17, 2013, at 18:54.
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